Whatever you believe in — 01

Whatever you believe in, all that is around you is undeniable.  Why don’t we hold back the human arguments, and just pay attention to what’s around us?  Enjoy what we have in our life, and expand our own universe to as big as possible, for God is truly infinite and eternal.  Human being has come so far in knowing about our world and the universe.  The nature is truly fascinating, on a big scale, or small scale.  Miracles everywhere.

I call this following video “a long story short”

How the Universe Works – From The Big Bang To The Present Day – Space Discovery Documentary

But the miracle takes place where seemingly insignificant place:

David Attenborough’s First Life (1 of 2) – Arrival

National Geographic Documentary

AND I was sooo happy to find a video of this whole conversation:

Richard Feynman: Fun to Imagine | Using physics to explain how the world works (1983)

And we are a collection of cells, cooperating with each other:

And then you can always explore some big ideas.  But what’s the rush?

Big Ideas